Personal, social and health education
My Sibling is Autistic Social Story
Two social stories to help explain a little about autism to a child with a sibling with ASD. One book for a sister and one for a brother.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art and My Clipart Store
My Friend is Autistic
This social story is designed to help explain a little about autism to a child with a friend with ASD.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art and My Clipart Store
Puberty Social Story
Social story to prepare young people for puberty and the changes their bodies will go through. 2 different versions included - ones for a boy and one for a girl.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art, Little Red and Rossy’s Jungle
I Don’t Always Get My Own Way Social Story
Social story about not always getting your own way and learning to accept the word no. It discusses the feelings they may have about not getting their way and the reactions they want to have but then how they should more appropriately react.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
I Need to Wear Deodorant Social Story
Social story to support teenagers going through puberty and beginning to need to wear deodorant.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art and Little Red
Shaving My Face Social Story
Social story to support teenage boys who are just beginning to need to start shaving.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art, Educlips and Little Red
Getting My Period Social Story
Social story to support girls who are going through puberty and beginning their period.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art, Rossy’s Jungle and TchrBrowne
Fire Drills Social Story
Social story to prepare children for the possibility of a fire drill and make sure they know what to do and that there is no need to panic.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art, Little Red and Whimsy Clips
Strength Cards
Strength cards showing different positive attributes. They can be used in a variety of ways to help children to recognise that we all have strengths and to acknowledge their own strengths.
Words included: graceful, sporty, brave, funny, caring, clever, helpful, playful, friendly, musical, intelligent, happy, loving, creative, artistic, strong, honest, respectful, adventurous, patient, joyful, sensible, cheerful, gentle, calm, protective, resilient, reliable, responsible, curious, persistent, forgiving, enthusiastic, hopeful, assertive, courageous, energetic, fair, organised, imaginative, proud, active, ambitious, careful, co-operative, hard working, loyal, kind
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
Controlling My Anger Worksheet
Worksheet in which children should think about ways in which they have previously dealt with anger and better ways that could deal with their anger in the future.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
Anger Triggers Worksheet
Worksheet in which children should think about things that have made them angry in the past and what they could have done to avoid getting angry…
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
My Feelings Thermometer Worksheet
Worksheet in which children should think about their own emotions, times that they have felt certain emotions and the thoughts they had at that time.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
Describing my Emotions Worksheet Set
Set of 20 worksheets each showing a different emotion. First each worksheet the child should draw on the features to a face and describe when they felt that emotion and what they were thinking about and how their body reacted. The set has 10 girl version worksheets and 10 boy versions.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
Calming Strategies Checklist
Checklist for children to look at and think about which calming strategies work best for them when in a hightened emotional state.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
Anger Thermometer Worksheet
Thermometer showing increasing levels of anger and then with a space to think about what things make them feel that angry and how they can calm themselves down at different levels of anger.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Worksheets
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of therapy that deals with the ways in which your thoughts affect your behavior. It is designed to help you rationalise how you’re thinking with the aim of seeing a change in attitude and behavior. CBT is most commonly used to support those suffering with anxiety and/or depression. This bundle has worksheets to support children to think about the connections between their feelings, thoughts, actions and bodily reactions.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
This pack contains 11 worksheets and one support poster:
Changing my thoughts
Cognitive Triangle poster
Describing my feelings
My biggest worry
My body
My bucket full of worries
Feelings thermometer
Positive thinking
Reasons I am special
Things I can’t control
Things that make me stressed
When things go wrong
My Friend has ADHD Social Story
This social story is designed to help explain a little about ADHD to a child with a friend with ADHD.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
My Friend has Dyslexia Social Story
This social story is designed to help explain a little about Dyslexia to a child with a friend with Dyslexia.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art
My Friend is in a Wheelchair Social Story
This social story is designed to help explain a little about what is like to be in a wheelchair to a child with a friend in a wheelchair.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art, Educlips and Digi Web Studio
My Friend is Visually Impaired Social Story
This social story is designed to help explain a little about being visually impaired or blind to a child with a friend who is visually impaired.
The point of a social story is to use a patient and reassuring tone to teach children about social situations in a way that can be easily understood. Social stories can be useful for any child who is struggling to understand a situation or concept or needs help to understand a social skill or social cue, expectations, perspectives, common responses or is troubled about an upcoming event but social stories are particularly useful for children on the autistic spectrum for whom social cues can be challenging and who often suffer anxiety if they do not know what to expect from a situation.
These books should be used over and over to reinforce the point so I would suggest either putting the pages into a display book or laminating and binding them.
Clipart images courtesy of Kari Bolt Clip Art, Chirp Graphics and Educlips